Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bitcoins - Emerging or Scam ?

Over the last two years,  beneath the radar, there is a new emerging currency.  Or there is a new emerging ponzi scheme.  It seems to depend on who you ask.  In 2008 the idea of a currency for internet transactions was first proposed. The idea is to exchange the bitcoins between people as a peer to peer transaction with no clearing house or bank, and no fees.  A short video explanation is at  Just this year users of bitcoins had their first conference in New York. It was attended by bitcoin miners, exchanges that allow conversion of bitcoins into traditional currency, and enthusiasts.  The writer pointed out that most of the people are either idealists are profiteers.  Are we seeing the birth of a new currency, or a fad that's subject to hacking ?  You may want to also read the comments.  This looks to be changing so fast, that the article may be partially out of date already !

Friday, October 7, 2011

Toxic Water Sponge

From Popular Mechanics this month.  A chemist has developed Obsorb, a glass substance the soaks up petroleum, solvents and other organic contaminants.

A graduate student discovered it accidentally working with molecules for a bomb detecting device. The contaminants can even be squeezed out of the Obsorb with heat so that it can be used again and again.

Way cool !
Popular Mechanics - Pollution Absorbing Substance